Our Philosophy

Perfume is a beautiful expression of who we are, intimately, personally.
It connects us profoundly to our very essence and awakens a thousand and one sensations.
It is both alive and mysterious, seductive and assertive.
Wordlessly, it reveals everything about each and every one of us, with our dreams and desires.
It lights us up a world with grace and elegance.
At every moment it is there- a source of joy and recognition.

It’s this intimate vision of perfume with which Yvon Mouchel founded DIVINE,
with the sole ambition of creating an authentic perfumery with total freedom to create his vision.

Freedom to take unlimited time to create.
Twelve fragrances over a span of over thirty-three years.

Freedom from ephemeral vogues.
The first perfume of the range, Divine is a radiant cypress.
In 1986 the cypress was considered to be old fashioned.
Nevertheless, Divine was immediately a success and it continues to be so.

Freedom to occasionally create rare perfumes,
such as the two faces of L’Etre Aimé, under the fiery banner of l’immortelle.

Freedom to boldly develop new olfactive code.
L’homme de cœur, Divine’s first perfume for men is a homage to the iris,
a traditionally feminine fragrance.
Since then many other perfumers have been inspired.

From the outset DIVINE has always sought to safeguard its authenticity.
Eschewing publicity, DIVINE is regularly in contact with its clients,
receiving accolades from afficionados from all over the world – the magic through word of mouth.
Based in Dinard, far from big cities, Divine nourished creativity,
preserving the original inspiration and never losing heart.

To date, DIVINE has created thirty lines of perfume as well as opening seven boutiques in France,
recruiting an enthusiastic and loyal team. Over fifty thousand women and men worldwide
have found their fragrances within our range of products.

Today …

The world is changing, values are evolving, and perfumes must keep up with the times.
In the coming months, DIVINE is deeply committed to a lasting development respecting the environment.
Lighting up tomorrow’s world in its special way.